Publication processing
Journals and books published by CIPF have no APCs (article processing charges) or subscription fees. This is possible only because of the voluntary participation of all the agents involved in scholarly publishing (collaborative publishing), namely:
- Authors who submit their contributions without expecting anything else besides publishing their works;
- Peer reviewers who produce reports on the articles received without expecting anything else, thereby keeping the publishing wheel spinning;
- Editorial and Advisory board members who make decisions and provide comments to oil the publication wheels without receiving any reimbursement.
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention: Educational Strategies and Implementation in Public Health
Editors: Inajara Rotta
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Evidence-Based Practice and Health Technology Assessment: An Introductory Guideline
Editors: Fernanda Stumpf Tonin, Fernando Fernandez-Llimos
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Educational contents for a patient-centred undergraduate pharmacy curriculum
Authors: Ines Nunes-da-Cunha, Fernando Fernandez-Llimos
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Curso de iniciación al seguimiento farmacoterapéutico
Autores: Yolanda Aguas, Fernando Fernandez-Llimos
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Previous Journals

Pharmacy Practice (eISSN: 1886-3655) officially abbreviated by the National Library of Medicine as Pharm Pract (Granada) is a free full-text peer-reviewed journal with a scope on pharmacy practice. Although focusing on the practice of pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice covers a wide range of pharmacy activities, including clinical pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, social pharmacy, pharmacy education, process and outcome research, health promotion and education, health informatics, pharmacoepidemiolog
Seguimiento Farmacoterapeutico (1696-1137 Print), a national-scope Spanish Journal, was available between 2003-2005. The title of the Journal was changed to Pharmacy Practice in 2006.